Whether it is or isn’t, you still clicked on the article. I’ve never written about it before and that’s what I wanted to write about, and give my own spin on it with my experiences.
I can understand where you’re coming from, but it sounds like you missed the point of the article, and that’s, of course, on the writer.
I’m not talking about what writers do in their free time or where they write or how much money they make. I’m talking about the actual act of writing, which is why I used the Zadie Smith quote. It’s about the writing, not the lifestyle.
As I mentioned in the article, “I can only speak from my own experiences.” I even ended with … “And, frankly, I haven’t been this happy about my writing situation in a long time.”
A point I tried to make: “No matter where writers are at in their careers, they will likely endure writer’s block, be in seeking mode when it comes to validation, want more money and deal with the writer’s struggles that all writers deal with.”
This article was about going on a journey and figuring out that the actual act of writing isn’t as glamorous as it sounds, but how I made it back to being happy with my situation.
Thanks for the read and response.